Answering 3 Down & Dirty Questions About Professional Steam Carpet Cleaning

If your carpet is starting to look pretty grungy and stained, there is little your vacuum will be able to do in order to rectify the situation. Carpet replacement can cost you thousands and those shampooers for rent at the grocery store are just not worth all of the time and effort. Thankfully, professional carpet cleaning with steam is one of the easiest services to find and has a good reputation from bringing grungy old carpet back to life. [Read More]

Make An Easy-To-Use Emergency Carpet Cleaning Kit For Your Apartment

Keeping the carpet clean in an apartment home is your responsibility as a tenant, so it's helpful to be prepared to treat stains in the carpeting as soon as they occur. Instead of buying a few cleaning tools and stuffing them away into the closet until needed, it's a good idea to set up a small emergency kit that can be used whenever a mess is made. In order to create an emergency carpet cleaning kit that is effective, consider including the following items. [Read More]

Not Looking Forward To Spring Cleaning? 4 Ways To Make The Process Easier

Spring brings rain showers, flowers and…cleaning. If you love spring but hate the cleaning, you'll be happy to know that there are some quick tips that will help you cut down on the time you'll need to devote to the process. Here are just a few ways that you can get your house clean with a lot less effort. Vacuum Away The Musty Odors Vacuuming is an important part of spring cleaning. [Read More]

Carpet Cleaning Tips For Pet Owners

If you are a pet owner, things can get pretty dirty in your home. Keeping carpets clean with pets running through your home might feel like a losing battle. There are a few changes that you can make in your home to help. Here are four tips to keep carpets clean if you have pets. 1. Understand that Not All Carpet Cleaners are the Same If pets have accidents on your carpet, they shouldn't be cleaned up the same way you would clean up soda. [Read More]